Why I’ll Never Forget

We all have a 9-11 story to tell. Whether we lived through it, watched from a distance, or are too young to remember it, September 11, 2001 changed all of our lives and so much of life as we knew it would never be the same. It was, and in many ways still is, the…

Living Life Wholeheartedly

I am so excited to be writing on my blog again. Blogging was a regular outlet for me for many years, but after having three babies in three years I lost the time (and brainpower) to keep up with writing things regularly. In July, my baby turned five and it was as if I could…

Wild At Heart 

“We cannot escape the law that would persuade all things to remain wild or to return to a wild state after a period of cultivation. What is true of the field is true also of the soul if we are but wise enough to see it.” A.W. Tozer, “The Root of the Righteous” After a…

God Operates In The Unexpected

Rarely does God work in ways in which we expect that he will. Even the non-religious among us may admit to believing that God does indeed work in “mysterious ways.” From Genesis to Revelation we see clearly (thanks to hindsight) that God pretty much always works in the most unexpected ways. He told Abraham he…

How I Experienced God During Lent

As a protestant/evangelical, one might be surprised that I would participate in Lent. I confess that I do not know much about the history of Lent, but what I understand it to be is an intentional time to make a sacrifice of something temporal to gain something eternal. When I think of fasting, I think…

A Different December

I have always loved December. All the decorations and music and excuses to eat, drink and be merry are enough to put me into a perpetual state of holiday frenzy. Most of my Decembers past flew by at break-neck speed leaving my head spinning on December 26… but not this December. Quite frankly, this entire…

Walks and Wildflowers

Today was a good day. Kids did really well for the most part. After lunch we all went for a walk… Our first walk as a family of 5. The boys in the double and big sister walking along holding daddy’s hand the entire time. I kept thinking over and over “I can’t believe this…

Growing Up GOP

{Note: I wrote the following blog post over two years ago. Reposting today for your election day reading pleasure 🙂 }  I recently came across a New York Times article titled, “Why Teenagers Today May Grow Up Conservative.” I found these observations to be quite legitimate and wanted to share how my own personal experience…

Mail, Mix-Tapes and Me

When I was in middle school, two of my favorite things were mail and mix tapes. I loved giving and receiving both. We’ve already established that I developed a love for writing early in life, so writing letters was a regular part of my years. And having an uncle who is a DJ took mix…

Staying Connected In the Midst of Change

Eight weeks ago our little family of three became four as we welcomed precious Lucas James Walters into the world! He is a doll and we are soaking up every sweet minute of his new little life. His presence, however, has brought my blogging and my study of God’s promises to a screeching halt. Since…